Founders Summer Camps: Spotlight on Novel Writer's Toolbox

Founders Summer Camps: Spotlight on Novel Writer's Toolbox
Posted on 06/07/2016

Founders Summer Camp:

Novel Writer’s Toolbox
By: Ms. Small
Week of July 25-29
Afternoon Session
Minimum 5 students, maximum 18

Students ready to tackle a longer writing project are invited to bring their ideas, drafts, or partial drafts to a one week novel writing workshop. Learn to:

· Structure your plot 
· Create realistic characters 
· Craft conflict and motivation 
· Build tension 
· Write effective dialogue 
· Sequence scenes 
· And more

We will work on exercises that sharpen our prose, conduct communal write-ins, and peer conference our scenes. Join me and other aspiring novelists as we add tools to our writer’s toolboxes and keep our writing muscles strong this summer.

Register here:

Also check out our other camps here on the website and join our Facebook event for updates: 

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